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6 Home deposit saving tips if you’re self-employed

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When you’re self-employed you know only too well, your income can vary each month and that makes saving up for a home pretty tough going. If you really want to show potential lenders you’re a good candidate for a home loan, having a history of steady, regular savings is a really great place to start. Here are six ways you can amp up your ability to put that money aside. 1.Doing well? Save more When things are going well and you’re earning more money, don’t be tempted to splash out…

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5 top tips for sorting out a home loan application with credit issues

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Lots of things can affect someone’s credit history, getting sick, redundancy, divorce, forgetting to redirect bills if you move, or just an accidental slip on timing can mean late or even missed payments. If you have credit issues from these sorts of situations there are things you can do to help your chances of buying a home. Here are five tips to help you get back on top. 1. Get your credit report under control The first thing you should do if you do have credit problems is get a…

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